Thursday, December 13, 2012

Can you say Baby Turbans?!

Beware. I will not be held responsible if you stop taking your birth control after seeing these outrageously adorable baby turbans I found on Etsy. Remember you do not have to actually birth a child to buy one of these, I'll be gifting these for sure.

{The lovely Sasha of EveryDayGreyGoods has offered 10% off to colorboom readers! Use coupon code COLORBOOM at check out. }

These are really off the richter scale cute. Total overload really. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wouldn't mind one these for each of my dogs either. 


p.s. Do you already have a baby with a turban? Send pics!


Unknown said...

Stop it. Asian babies in turbans?! Stop trying to make me have children!!

Jem said...

DYING! Find me a tiny dog turban for Lola to calm my empty womb. Kate wanna go halvsies on a baby?

Jem said...

IM DYING! Find me a tiny dog turban for Lola to calm my empty womb! Kate, wanna Go halvsies on a baby?