Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let the shenanigans begin...

Bringing on the boom. Sharing, connecting, community. These are the ideas behind The Color Boom. I'm a big communicator with lots of debt from attending graduate school to foster that passion into something productive, counseling. However the dress code in most therapy offices can be rather... restrictive, and many procrastinated hours were spent browsing online for what I would rather be wearing. And while I always managed to be able to add at least a tiny boom of color to my office outfits, my love for style was still feeling untapped. What better way to unleash and share than by staking a claim to my own little slice of the internet. Join me as I share with you things that make me smile, and of course lots and lots of color. 


And for my inaugural post, I found this adorable little elephant depicting exactly how I felt while deciding what to post first!
