Friday, December 21, 2012

Let The Children Play

Logic will get you from A to Z, Imagination will get you everywhere.
~ Albert Einstein 

Playrooms. What a genius idea. I would love for someone to tell me, "This room is for you to play. Go wild!" As adults we often get wrapped up in real life responsibilities and forget the importance of play. As infants, play is how we were first stimulated by our parents. As children, play helped us learn to work with others while still enjoying ourselves. Time was carved out in our schedule, dedicated solely for playtime. I think this is a tradition that too quickly gets pushed to the back of our list of priorities. And with the increasingly competitive nature of schooling, playtime seems to be dwindling for children today as well. I mean seriously, some preschools are blood and nails competitive. {I'm looking at you, NYC.} Even so, one of the things I find to be the most magical about young children is their ability to turn the most mundane tasks into games. So take a note from them, and don't forget to play. I certainly don't, much to the chagrin of my husband who is often the victim of my pranks.  

And to reward the children for inspiring me here are some of my dream playroom must haves. 

{This Etsy shop will make a large scale accurate map of your hood. How awesome is that!}



  1. This is all SO sweet! I want to buy it all for Z, especially that menagerie furniture set. I WILL be ordering her the neighborhood map,if only I knew in time for Christmas!


  2. Simply stunning, I love the pics. You are so right about the playing. I love playing with my wife just like when we were younger it brings me so much joy. Thanks for your post.

    Modern Baby Cribs

  3. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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