Thursday, December 6, 2012

Seasonal Ugg Shaming

Let the controversy begin. Ugg Shaming. It's a thing. Temps drop, Uggs get put into rotation, and the shame game starts. So let's address this. Yes, Uggs may not be the most attractive choice in footwear, but it seems their combo of warmth and comfort have given them staying power. Australian surfers started wearing them in the 60's, they had a big boom in the US in 2000, and are still selling strong. Nevertheless, most people I've spoken to are decidedly either haters or lovers of these sheep skin boots. 

So is there a way to wear them without offending other's fashion sensibilities, thus bringing shame to your friends and family?

Let's examine a few styling choices that may get the pass

 Obviously itty bitty baby Uggs are exempt from critique. 

{Baby Uggs. Baby Goat. She can do no wrong.}

What say you? Do they get a pass? Leave me your vote in the comments. Whatever you decide, have no shame in your keeping-toes-safe-from-frostbite-game. (read: I wear them unabashedly) 



  1. Uggs are the only way to go in cold weather! I don't even notice their look any more. I do notice how quickly they wear out though...

  2. I want a pair! I Never had one but absolutely wear them... in FL! lol

  3. I want a pair!! I would wear them... in FL! lol


Give it to me straight! Love to hear what you think. If you would like to see anything on The Color Boom, feel free to leave your suggestions. Think of me as your personal online shopper.